Welcome to the Riddle of the Sphinx! The Book of Riddles is full of unique puzzles and every new map will present different types of challenges for you to master! Scroll down for riddle-specific tips.
Basic Tips for All Riddles:
Manage resources carefully: You are given a very limited supply of blocks and god powers in each scenario. The biggest puzzle is about how to use what you are given efficiently, so that you have enough resources to complete the objectives. Try not to waste any bricks on spaces without objective coins.
Complete God's Quests: Each God card has a quest, which can reward you with a block if you complete it properly. These additional blocks will be crucial to solving the puzzle of any map, and so you must consider how to set up and complete your own and your teammates active quests all the time!
Choose the Blocks you'll Need: When deciding what type of block to earn as a reward from a god, think ahead a few moves (and discuss with your team). You will also need to scan the queue of available gods, to ensure you are not selecting a brick type that will become redundant with what the gods in the queue are already offering.
Play the Sphinx's Game: The first time you play the Sphinx's Game you are guaranteed a free block, so don't forget to use it at least one time! You can also use the Sphinx's game to effectively "pass" your turn, or earn a specific block which could setup a teammate.
Think Ahead: Always consider which color worker you will need to use next. Remember that your team cannot usually act with the same color worker in 2 consecutive turns.
Taking on Godlike:
Do not attempt Godlike, until you have a good handle on the game and are craving deeper difficulty. Godlike difficulty is extremely challenging on purpose.
Generally, Godlike demands nearly perfect play, so you will have no tolerance for wasting blocks/domes or foregoing quest rewards on your god cards.
Riddle 1: The Lighthouse

Riddle #1: The Lighthouse is all about resource management. You must ensure you have the correct level and quantity of blocks/domes required to collect the objective coins.
If you dare to take on Godlike...
The trick is to carefully plan ahead about the positioning of each of your workers. In many cases, you will need to plan so that the final move you make both gets a worker off the ground level AND collects a coin.
It is helpful to use the blocks placed during setup as platforms for your workers to stand on when collecting the final couple coins.
CLICK HERE for general Riddle of the Sphinx tips.
Riddle 2: Seaport City

In Riddle #2: Seaport City, efficient movement is a big part of the challenge. Covering the distance over the center using regular move and builds is bound to waste some bricks in the process. Some amount of the gods you are dealt will have movement-based abilities (such as Artemis, Triton, or Minotaur). Pay attention to these gods, and try to conceive of ways you can use them to cross the map more efficiently.
If you dare to take on Godlike...
The blessing at the top-middle of the map is quite tricky to collect without wasting a block. There are several ways to do it though:
- Consider pushing another worker into the blessing space if you have the right god powers available.
- When you cross a worker over a bridge, it often means that you will not be travelling back with that worker. Make sure you collect all the coins on the left side before your workers depart!
- Blessings can be a gamechanger. Even if you think you might be stuck, consider moving onto a blessing space. Their versatile powers often give you the edge you need to go a little further.
- Don't forget that blessings have a secondary use on the bottom half of the card allowing you to reroll the die. If you are about to roll for the Sphinx's game, it can be a blessing (no pun intended) to have a blessing in the queue if you need to reroll.
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Riddle 3: Prosper & Flourish

Hopping back and forth over the bridges is going to be helpful for building those high towers in the middle, but watch out! It is easy to get carried away building on one half of the map and block yourself off from moving back and forth! It will be best to try and keep your left and right pages roughly in sync with one another.
If you dare to take on Godlike...
Be sure to work all 3 blessings into your early game movement plans, as each one could be extremely helpful to your goals. You will need to plan the late game very carefully to ensure that each worker lands on the ground level at the same moment they are placing their final block.
Recommended builder gods:
- Hestia
- Daedalus
- Graeae
- Poseidon
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Riddle 4: Nefarious Visitor

You must play very smart on this map, considering how to be efficient with your blocks, while also considering how you will lure the sphinx around the map without getting blocked by her.
If you dare to take on Godlike...
The end of this riddle is the trickiest part, because you need to plan out a number of moves ahead how you are going to get her back in the center, and with 4 of your workers neighboring her. It can be helpful to lure her to the outskirts of the map for a time, so that you can more freely work on the map's opposite side unimpeded. You can also utilize a double builder like Demeter to move her potentially twice in one turn while furthering your building objectives.
Recommended builder gods:
- Hestia
- Graeae
- Hypnus
- Poseidon
- Prometheus
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Riddle 5: Lost at Sea

There is a complex movement puzzle to crack in this map (especially when trying for Heroic and Godlike difficulty).
- Plan out your first few moves carefully with your two leftmost workers.
- You always have the power of Perseus! Use him often.
- Try to create lines of your workers and leap-frog the straggling workers to the front of the pack using Perseus.
- Combining god powers can be very strong, look for combos like Artemis and Perseus.
- Remember, you can cross a bridge but you cannot build over one. Be sure to cross the bridges in a good position to build what you need on the opposite side.
If you dare to take on Godlike...
It is going to be challenging to get a worker on top of a level 2 tower at the end. Consider choosing a god with Force powers so you do not need to spend a block building a stairway up to level 2.
Recommended mover gods:
- Dryads
- Charon
Recommended builder gods:
- Terpsichore
- Graeae
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Riddle 6: Treacherous Tides

This riddle has a tight time pressure. It is all about getting as much done as soon as possible. Gods that give you extra builds or bonus turns are extremely valuable.
Always keep in mind which are the next spaces that will slip into the sea, grab the coins off those as soon as possible and make sure your workers are out of danger in time.
Getting a mover god early and keeping it for a while can be very helpful to get your workers out of danger.
If you dare to take on Godlike...
Plan out the last few moves so that all your workers are off of ground level can be really tricky. Having a god that can gain you bonus movement and also "force" your workers up onto buildings (like Zeus or Siren) can be really handy. Having a blessing in the queue can often turn the tide.
Recommend mover gods:
- Hermes
- Zeus
- Siren
Recommend builder gods:
- Oreads
- Eris
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Riddle 7: Circling Predator

In this riddle, we're racing against the ticking clock as the Sphinx advances up the cliffside. Using gods that allow you to get more done on a single turn is important.
This Riddle gives you a lot of starting blocks, many of which aren't always easy to use, like domes. If a god (like Morpheus) comes up that allows you to transform blocks, take him and keep him for a while!
Remember that you can slow the Sphinx down by building blocks in front of her! There are a lot of partially complete towers in her way. Consider building onto them to slow her down if necessary - even if the builds don't contribute towards collecting coins.
Antaeus can be very strong in this mission, so if he comes up, take him and keep him for a while.
If you dare to take on Godlike...
You will have to finish the objectives earlier, before the Sphinx has wrecked up too many buildings!
The blessing on the left side sits atop a level 3 tower and can be tricky to get. It might make the difference, so if you have a god that forces a worker up high it might be worth focusing on.
Remember, after the Sphinx hits the second destruction space your workers are free to move towards the bottom part of the map to be safe without risk of being destroyed anymore.
Recommended mover gods:
- Proteus
- Siren
Recommended builder gods:
- Eris
- Hestia
CLICK HERE for general Riddle of the Sphinx tips.
Riddle 8: Ward Off the Beast

The Sphinx is going to march round and round the map here causing you constant trouble.
Keep in mind, that attacking from the space directly behind the Sphinx deals bonus damage, and it is also generally a safe space from the move she will take on her following turn. If you can get a strong movement god like Artemis, keep her in play and supply her the domes she will need to attack the Sphinx from behind!
Make sure that you only try for an objective coin you know you can complete before the Sphinx strolls over to destroy it.
Sphinx Attack Clarification:
The Sphinx's moves are resolved 1 at a time as individual steps. Each time she moves 1 space, she will destroy every block, dome, or worker in her destination and then she attacks each of the spaces she is now neighboring (this attack is effectively like splash damage). Each tower in those neighboring attacked spaces will have its top level destroyed. If a worker is in one the attacked spaces and there are no blocks to take the hit, that worker is hit. They are either then destroyed, or you can pay a block or dome to save them.
If you Dare to Take on Godlike...
You will need to actually take out the Sphinx completely. It will make your life a lot easier if you focus on gaining domes as ammunition and attacking her aggressively first until she is fully defeated. Once she has been removed from the map, you will need to switch your focus to the building goals and hope that you still have enough resources left over to pull it off!
Recommended gods:
- Echo
- Dionysus
- Oreads
- Moerae
- Hermes
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Riddle 9: To Mourn a King

This puzzle is an interesting combination of timing and economics. Remember, the procession will only move on turns in which you've built. Utilizing builder gods that provide extra builds allows you to get more done before the procession moves too far along.
If you dare take on Heroic or Godlike...
You need to get all 4 workers to the rightmost page. You might want to choose a movement god for more flexibility.
The blessings can be tricky to collect in this mission. Remember that the procession will not destroy your workers but it will advance the procession faster to the right and move your workers to the left.
Recommended mover gods:
- Dryads
- Siren
Recommended builder gods:
- Poseidon
- Oreads
- Graeae
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Riddle 10: The River Styx

Charon is available to use on every turn, so be sure to take advantage! He can be helpful for tossing your workers further along the map.
If you dare take on Heroic or Godlike...
You cannot have any coins remaining in your coin purse when the riddle ends. Plan out which 3 silver and 3 gold coins you want to focus on, and make sure you have the right blocks to do so.
Godlike requires even better planning because you must collect all four 2-height coins by the end of the mission.
Remember that as you move your workers to the dock, you still need to build on those turns. Make sure you have the blocks needed to allow for this.
Recommended friendly gods:
- Echo
- Hades
Recommended mover gods:
- Siren
- Proteus
- Zeus
Recommended builder gods:
- Prometheus
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Riddle 11: Pulled from the Grave

Try to never leave the King or any workers exposed to the hounds. Advance to the king quickly (using movement gods where you can) and rebuild the wall as any sections of it are attacked. Mover gods are important, and synergies with Scylla can really help quickly move the King towards the steps.
Once you've started moving the king, focus on builder gods (like Haephestus or Daedalus) who can create complete towers quickly. Position the two complete towers you are striving for behind as many protecting blocks as possible! When the time comes, holding black a blessing to use as a reroll for the hounds can be an important move.
Recommended friendly gods:
- Dryads
- Hypnus
- Daedalus - for extra building pieces
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Riddle 12: Tower of Ascension

This map is about building a massively high tower. Because the Sphinx is attacking, you will not be able to maintain a constant ladder surrounding your tower. So you will need to devise a way to progress the tower with a small set of workers while they are on top of it.
You will want to designate a triangle of 3 neighboring spaces, and work on towers there simultaneously with 2 workers of different colors on top. Then you will alternate moves along that triangle to try and build up 3 towers together. Then you will at the end try and use gods like Zeus or apollo to build up 2 of the towers all the way to level 5 and get your workers on top.
While you have 2 workers building up the triangle, you will need to use the other 2 ground level works to support them, and mostly be careful that those other 2 workers do not die. If you can keep them in line with the row and column of your triangle, you can protect them with the domes. You can also save up your blessings and use them for rerolls when needed to try and keep your workers alive. The worse that can happen is if the sphinx lands on your triangle, so you will try to prevent that as much as possible!
Gods that let you build under existing works or move onto workers make the traffic jam on top of your massive tower much much more manageable.
Recommended gods:
- Zeus
- Apollo
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Riddle 13: Scaling the Walls

Many people feel this is one of the hardest scenarios, so watch out! The key is to use your god powers that can force you over the wall efficiently, so that you can waste only a few bricks on the left page of the map. If you spend too many blocks destroying the center wall, or constructing a ladder to climb over it, this will make the rest of the scenario very difficult.
If you dare to take on Godlike...
You will need to do this with careful planning, and clever use of certain types of god powers. This relies heavily on choosing the perfect god to begin with, somebody who will have the power to get ALL of you over a high wall without needing a giant tower of blocks as a ladder. Whether that be forcing your workers onto the wall (after you blow up a dome) or flying or teleporting over the wall.
Be sure not to toss your critical mover gods before you have gotten all of your workers over the wall. Once you are over the wall, you will need to build yourselves little ladders so that you can navigate the city without getting workers stuck!
In this riddle, Iris is a default god. She is exceptionally useful and worth holding onto for at least a few turns!
Recommended gods:
- Pleiades
- Proteus
- Charon
- Pegasus
- Siren
- Phobos
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Riddle 14: Level the Stronghold

You will want to get up on the walls on either side of the map while spending as few bricks as possible on ladders. Instead utilize the provided iris, and other gods with force or flight abilities to get up on the ramparts.
Keeping yourself supplied with domes is very important! Using the catapults on the map to transform god's bricks into domes will significantly help you to complete quests on gods without wasting their block on non-destructive builds. You want to be destroying as much as possible!
If you dare to take on Heroic or Godlike...
Once you have workers on the wall, a huge part of the challenge here is to time out your builds precisely so that you able to drop all of your workers into the inner stronghold on their final builds, this is a very tough challenge that requires careful planning!
Recommended gods:
- Echo - versatile, can come with a dome
- Graeae - generally useful to reposition, and comes with a dome!
- Medea
- Pegasus
- Charon
- Siren
- Proteus
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Riddle 15: Battle of Corinth

This map is a balance between patching the leaking ship (your besieged walls!) and building up the 2 towers. You will not be able to ignore rebuilding the wall throughout the game. It has to stand long enough to block the ships. Builder gods will be your friend to erect those towers fast.
Try to focus on completing the silver tower as quick as possible before focussing on the gold one. That way once the silver coin is collected, its space becomes one you can mostly ignore (because it has now so many layers of defense).
The catapult spaces provide a handy ability, but it will be hard to justify spending 2 turns to walk toward the forward catapults. Utilizing a movement power to get you onto these blessings at a time when the nearby wall needs rebuilding is a nice efficiency whenever possible.
Recommended gods:
- Daedalus
- Eris
- Hypnus
- Moerae
- Oreads
- Poseidon
- Prometheus
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Riddle 16: Blackened Skies

Always be aware of the Sphinx's upcoming attack. Determine the spaces around her that will be safe, and use those to avoid her attacks when possible.
Keep in mind that your workers are relatively safe while they occupy buildings.
Build tall towers to lure the Sphinx into position so that you can attack her from behind. She will turn toward the closest worker after her move, and you can use this to expose her backside to somebody else. Remember when there are multiple towers of the same height, you get to decide which tower she attacks.
If you dare to take on Godlike...
Strikes from behind (or even a double strike using Haephestus) are game changers. It is like 2 turns in 1, and will be totally critical to pulling this riddle off. Keep movement gods around (like Artemis or Perseus) who can drop you into attack positions!
Recommended gods:
- Graeae
- Echo
- Moerae
- Dionysus
- Oreads
CLICK HERE for general Riddle of the Sphinx tips.
Riddle 17: Silence from the Gods

This map is about pulling the king across the map using carefully planned builds. The trickiest part is the moment the king enters the center of the map, because it is easy to have your workers stumbling over each other in the congestion.
If you dare to take on Heroic or Godlike...
You need to stay ahead of the king, especially with your back-most workers until they can get over the first bridge. Getting the back-most worker over the bridge to the right page, without blocking each other or the king is very tricky! Look for blessings that provide bonus movement, and make sure you use those to keep ahead of the king.
Every build should lure the king along the map (and onto a fragment space, if possible). Because you cannot build across bridges, you'll often need to get the king across with a worker on the other side, and then catch up with your other workers later (any form of bonus moves are very helpful for this!).
You basically always want to be accompanying the king with 2 workers of differing colors. Once your starting workers are over the bridge, you could switch to the other set of workers to progress the king, and then more or less ignore the first 2 from then on.
CLICK HERE for general Riddle of the Sphinx tips.
Riddle 18: Folly of the Gods

Collect a level 1 coin on your first turn to immediately unlock your first friendly god.
If you dare to take on Heroic or Godlike...
You will need to waste some amount of blocks in order to collect all 3 blessings. Plan carefully and make clever use of god powers to keep wastage at a minimum.
Avoid clearing your god cards without achieving their quest. Even if the god's power isn't necessary, find a creative use it when clearing the card, so that you earn the reward.
On the left side of the map, there is one space that is adjacent to 3 of the pre-built towers of this page. Use this space to create one ladder block that allows you access to the tops of all 3 pre-built towers.
Use "force" abilities whenever you can to circumvent the need to build a ladder and climb up the old fashioned way. An opener on the right page to use Charon or Iris or Minotaur to jump up the wall could be a really strong decision.
Recommended mover gods:
- Hermes
- Zeus
- Dryads
- Hypnus
Recommended builder gods:
- Graeae
- Selene
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Riddle 19: To Start Again

Block economy is very tight. Try not to waste any pieces, if possible.
Builder gods are key. You must have a builder god or blessing card that will allow you to build twice on the same turn in order to perform Divine Harmony.
If you dare to take on Heroic or Godlike...
You must perform Divine Harmony with 8 out of 9 gods or bring a friendly god that will allow you to earn a blessing. Avoid wasting builder gods by only performing Divine Harmony with 1 builder god and 1 non-builder god.
Carefully study where and how you will perform your double build using the pieces on your god card.
You can discard a blessing without using it if it is not helpful or if you need to make space in the god queue.
Do not let one colour worker get further ahead building than another (especially in solo mode).
Find a way to get on top of or around the starting towers.
Recommended builder gods:
- Prometheus
- Hestia
- Oreads
- Poseidon
- Selene
Recommended mover gods:
- Pegasus
- Zeus
- Hermes
CLICK HERE for general Riddle of the Sphinx tips.
Riddle 20: To Punish A King

You will want to use the king's position to lure the Sphinx through as many of the buildings on the map as possible. The existing buildings are like chaff for the Sphinx, and you want her to have to work through them to slow her advance. The map row above the king has a long line of buildings along it. You'll want to time it so that you move the king at the right time, so she has to plow through all of those buildings. Use blessing cards on rerolls whenever needed. (unless the blessing power is particularly amazing). Rerolling a 3 is not often going to be a bad decision in this riddle. Back strikes are so key to getting the damage you need out on the Sphinx!
In this riddle, it is important to choose versatile gods that can come with a dome, ready to attack.
If you dare to take on Heroic or Godlike...
You will have the added challenge of maneuvering the king (and even your workers) so that they end at the top of the map. You can flow your workers up the map while also luring the Sphinx where you need her. You will likely have to land a few crucial back strikes on the Sphinx, or else you will run out of time too quickly!
Recommended gods:
- Moeraea
- Hephaestus (if you can get him he is SO useful!!)
- Graeae
- Tyche
- Echo
- Dionysus
CLICK HERE for general Riddle of the Sphinx tips.
Riddle 21: Through The Gates

This map is a very crunchy brain burner. It is a puzzle to utilize Terpsichore, and to set her ability up correctly! You will want to use the bigger coins as a dump to throw down blocks as you reposition your workers to line up a collection turn. On a collection turn, you will pick out 2 matching coins that align with your workers on the map and execute a Terpsichore double-move to collect them both at once with 2 different workers stepping in unison.
It can be tricky to get too far on the left or the right of the map, and so having movement gods that allow you to reposition to setup terpsichore can be very useful! This is really a map that you need to be a little "mathy" about. You need to make sure your move is setting your workers positions up for the next collection you are aiming for! Alternatively, for some coin-collection turns, you can utilize other gods who enable multiple workers to build, such as Hypnus or Antaeus.
Recommended gods:
- Echo
- Hypnus
- Hermes
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Riddle 22: Lair of the Sphinx

The Key to defeating the Sphinx is to play aggressively and defeat her before she defeats you! Her attack speed increases halfway through the game, and you will not win a toe-to-toe endurance battle against her. Once she starts flipping 2 attack cards, the game will end soon! You simply must attack quickly before you are eaten!
Always be aware of the Sphinx's upcoming attack(s). Try to determine the spaces around her that will be safe, and use those to avoid her attacks whenever possible.
A good strike from behind (or even a double strike using Haephestus) can be a game changer. It is like 2 turns in 1, and will be totally critical to pulling this riddle off.
Depending on the board position, it is often even worth it to sacrifice a worker in order to land a good back-strike!
Movement gods allow you to position yourself much easier for a back strike. Do not squander these gods. You start with Artemis - consider keeping her for the entire game if possible. Having a second move every turn is very valuable to be able to get in close or escape.
Two things are important for you: Movement (so you can position yourself for back-strikes), and Domes (so you have ammunition to attack with).
For Movement, we'd recommend:
- Hypnus
- Siren
- Dryads
- Hermes
For Domes, we'd recommend:
- Echo
- Graeae
- Tyche
- Moerae
- Dionysus
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