March 31, 2020

Website: Hatched!

As was mentioned in our Q1 2020 newsletter, we here at Roxley have been working hard on a new website for months now.  And if you're reading this, you found it!

We wanted to get you the latest Roxley news, Kickstarter updates, how to play videos, and an all new game shop all in one easy-to-navigate place.

The Front Page has convenient links to popular game pages, newsletter signup, countdowns to upcoming releases, and a condensed news summary.

From Game Pages: watch trailers, check out game overviews and images, read features and component lists, watch how to play videos, download game files like rulebooks, and click through to related expansions and promos.  Most importantly, you can put the game in your cart, or follow the link to order a preorder on an off-site pledge manager.

At The Lab page, check out our office and the team that brings you Roxley gaming goodness.

And stop by the Support & Contact page if you need to contact us for any reason: damaged or missing pieces, event & group support, game reviews, or any other support.

There are a few things we have yet to implement so you will see more changes in the coming weeks and months.  For instance, we don't yet have Promos available in the Game Shop page, but they are coming soon!

Thanks for stopping by - we hope you enjoy your stay!